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Germany: Hro Snapshot Rewards Terms and Conditions
Last Updated December 1, 2023
overview of the program
1. These Terms and Conditions, together with the Hro Terms of Use, which are incorporated herein by reference, govern your participation in the Hro Snapshot Rewards Program (“Program”). If you areresident in Germany or elsewhere in the European Union and aged 18 or over, then by creating a valid account (“Account”) on the Hro Platform (“Hro Platform”), you are automatically eligible to enroll as a participant (“Participant”) in the Program. These Terms and Conditions supplement, but do not modify or amend the German version of the Hro Terms of Use.
2. The Hro Platform allows each Participant to earn a “Score” (as further described below) for the Participant’s Hro card collection which then places that Participant on various leader boards in accordance with their Score on the Hro Platform. The Program is a rewards program administered by The United States Playing Card Company (“USPC”) which allows Participants to earn rewards points (“Reward Points”) and to potentially receive rewards (“Rewards”) as described in further detail below.
3. To enroll as a Participant in the Program, you must create an Account, complete all required steps to enable KYC, enable two-factor authentication, and make at least one deposit in your wallet. There is a limit of one Account per person and one Account per e-mail address, regardless of whether more than one person has access to the same e-mail address. The person who is the authorized e-mail account holder of the e-mail address indicated when registering will be deemed the Participant.
4. USPC may send electronic communications to you in accordance with applicable laws and your personal data will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy available here: https://app.hro.gg/privacy-policy.
5. Please note that the Program is only intended for domestic, private and non-commercial use. Accordingly, you are only eligible for the Program if you are an individual and acting for purposes that are wholly or mainly outside of your employment, trade, business, craft or profession (a “Consumer”). By participating in the Program, you represent to us that you are acting as a Consumer and not for purposes relating to your employment, trade, business, craft or profession.
6. To learn how USPC will use the personal information collected in connection with the Account and/or this Program, Participant’s should read the Privacy Policy.
7. Each Participant is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Participant’s Account and passwords and for restricting access to their devices and activity on their Account, and each Participant agrees to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under their Account.
8. USPC reserves the right to suspend or discontinue the eligibility of any Participant who uses, or, in the case of suspension, is suspected of using the Program:
(a) in breach of these Terms and Conditions or any applicable laws, statutes or regulations; or
(b) in a way that is dishonest, fraudulent or which otherwise constitutes cheating.
9. Prior to exercising these rights, USPC shall take into account all circumstances of your case, in particular any fault (Verschulden) on the Participant’s end, and weighing up the interests of both parties and only disqualify Participants if after this examination it would be unreasonable (unzumutbar) for USPC to continue the participation of the Participant in the Program. Besides, prior to exercising this right, USPC will give Participants a warning notice (Abmahnung) specifying the alleged breach and granting the Participant (7) days from receipt of such notice within which the Participant can cure such breach. USPC is entitled to exercise these rights without a warning notice if the alleged breach cannot, by its nature, be reasonably cured or if USPC cannot be reasonably expected to wait for the remedy period to expire under the given circumstance.
10. USPC may reasonably revise and update these Terms and Conditions from time to time, in particular to address:
(a) changes in the law;
(b) changes to the nature, features and/or functionality of the Hro Platform and the Program to reflect new technologies;
(c) security issues; and/or
(d) changes in circumstances beyond USPC’s reasonable control.
11. If USPC make changes, USPC will provide you with at least thirty (30) days’ advance notice of the changes (unless the change is due to a change in law or for security reasons in which case USPC may need to change the Terms and Conditions on shorter notice). If you do not wish to continue participating in the Program following the changes to the Terms and Conditions, you may cancel your participation in the Program by contacting us using the details at the end of these Terms and Conditions.
12. Those who do not comply with these Terms and Conditions, as well as the Hro Terms of Use, may be prohibited from participating in the Program by USPC.
13. If you do not wish to continue participating in the Program following any modifications to these Terms and Conditions, you may cancel your participation in the Program by giving us 30 days’ notice and contacting us using the details at the end of these Terms and Conditions (the “Cancel Period”). If you cancel your participation in the Program in accordance with this section, then unless we agree otherwise with you, you may use your Rewards Points to redeem eligible Rewards during the Cancel Period, however your Rewards Points will expire upon the end of the Cancel Period.
14. USPC will attempt to notify Participants of material changes to the Terms and Conditions via the email address listed in their Account. Otherwise USPC will post a prominent notice on the Hro Platform (e.g. in-platform notification). In any case, Participants should periodically check these Terms and Conditions for all other changes to the Program and/or Terms and Conditions.
15. The “Score” of each Hro card is determined by the card’s rarity and mint number. The greater the rarity of a card, the higher the Score will be for such card. The lower the mint number for a card, the higher the Score will be for such card. Following are a few examples (Note: actual Scores may vary and the following examples are for illustration purposes only):
Example 1: Participant A has 1 Mythic tier card (high rarity). Participant B has 1 Common tier card (low rarity). Participant A will have a higher Score than Participant B.
Example 2: Participant A has 1 Common card with a mint number of A22000. Participant B has 1 Common card with a mint number of A500. Participant B will have a higher Score than Participant A.
16. The Score of a card and the Score of a collection have no cash value (Note: a Participant’s “collection” consists of all cards held by the Participant on the Hro Platform). The Score may not be redeemed or “cashed out” by Participant. The Score will appear in each Participant’s Account and will determine Participant’s ranking on the Hro Platform Leader board(and other Hro leader boards).
17. Subject to the notice and cure procedure laid out in the last paragraph of the Clause “ENROLLMENT IN THE PROGRAM”, USPC reserves the right to invalidate a Score and remove a Participant from the Hro Platform leader board if the Score was improperly or fraudulently obtained, or that Participant otherwise breach these Terms and Conditions or the Hro Terms of Use.
18. Quests will allow Participants to accumulate Reward Points by completing quests such as daily login, weekly/monthly accumulative logins, trading, scanning, completing a tier, completing a Hro card collection, remaining on top of a Hro Platform leader board for a certain amount of time, opening packs, and completing certain purchases on the Hro Platform. Participants may also receive Rewards by digitally “burning” cards or performing “crafting” recipes. Following are a few examples (Note: the following examples are for illustration purposes only):
Example 1: Participants may take 2 of their Superior Ink tier cards and combine them with 10,000 Reward Points to redeem an eligible Epic tier Reward card.
Example 2: Participants may take one of their Epic tier cards and one of their Superior Ink tier cards and combine them with 50,000 Rewards Point to redeem an eligible Legendary tier Reward card.
19. Crafting recipes are subject to change IN ACCORDANCE WITH the Clause “MODIFICATION OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS” above. Participants may only use reward points to redeem eligible Rewards and for no other purpose. For example, reward points may not be used to purchase cards on Hro Platform.
20. The Program allows Participants to receive Rewards and Rewards Points through a Stealth Snapshot promotional mechanic (“Stealth Snapshot”).
21. USPC may use a Participant’s ownership of specific Hro cards to determine eligibility for certain Rewards. This may be done by using a point system that awards points for a Participant’s ownership of specific Hro cards (“Ownership Points”) or by using Participant’s ownership of a specific collection of Hro cards. Stealth Snapshots are unannounced and will be done at a day and time determined by USPC. Following are a few examples (Note: the following examples are for illustration purposes only):
Example 1: Participants are awarded 1 Ownership Point for ownership of a Common card with a circulation size of 16,000, 10 Ownership Points for an Uncommon card with a circulation size of 1,700, 30 Ownership Points for an Epic card with a circulation size of 600, and 120 Ownership Points for a Legendary card with a circulation size of 150. Participants are eligible to receive a Reward for every 50 Ownership Points that they have accumulated at the time of the Stealth Snapshot.
Example 2: Participants are eligible to receive different types of Rewards, if at the time of the Stealth Snapshot, they have 1 Chapter 1 Mythic Wonder Woman card, 1 Chapter 1 Legendary Wonder Woman card, and/or 1 Chapter 1 Super Heroes Wonder Woman card.
23. USPC may use Stealth Snapshots to determine Participants’ eligibility to receive Reward Points. Eligibility will be based on Participants who have a collection of completed Hro card tiers, along with individual Mythic-tier and Hro-tier cards at the time of the Stealth Snapshot. A completed tier collection is any tier within a collection with all cards collected. Following are a few examples (Note: the following examples are for illustration purposes only):
Example 1: Participants are eligible to receive Rewards Points, if at the time of the Stealth Snapshot, they have 8/8 Legendary Cards from Hybrid Collections.
Example 2: Participants are eligible to receive Reward Points, if at the time of the Stealth Snapshot, they have 9/9 Common Cards from a Digital Collection.
24. Hro-tier and Mythic-tier cards will be counted individually when determining a Participant’s eligibility for Reward Points. The following is an example. (Note: the following example is for illustration purposes only):
Example: If a Participant completes the Mythic set for Hybrid Chapter 1 the Participant would be eligible to receive Reward Points for completing the 3/3 set and for each card individually. If the Participant has only collected 2/3 in that set, the Participant would only be eligible to receive Reward Points for those two cards only.
25. If Participants have more than two complete sets, they are eligible to receive Reward Points for each one with the best cards counted for each set.
26. Eligibility requirements for Rewards will be set out on the Hro Platform, Hro’s social media channels and/or will be shared via email.
27. From time to time Participants may receive Rewards:
(a) based upon their overall Score (which determines their position on the Hro Platform leader board);
(b) if they have completed a specific Hro card collection (e.g., Participant has collected all Mythic cards, all Legendary cards, or all Batman Limited Edition cards); or
(c) by redeeming Rewards Points via the Hro Platform.
28. USPC will provide details of the “closing date” that will be used to determine eligibility for Rewards based on Participants’ overall Score, leader board position, ownership of specific cards and Reward Points.
29. Rewards may consist of Hro cards, uncut card sheets, framed art, in-person experiences, or other similar rewards. There are no cash alternatives for the Rewards. The Rewards will be provided within 30 working days from a valid acceptance of the Reward. If a Reward cannot be provided within 30 working days, Participants will be notified of when they will receive the Reward. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by USPC, the Reward will only be awarded to the eligible Participant, however an eligible Participant may waive the right to receive the Rewards.
30. Rewards are subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. Participants will receive notice of Rewards by USPC or its designated representative via the Hro Platform, email or official Hro social media platforms. All required documents must be completed and returned to USPC within 7 days of the date and time listed on the documents. If a potential winner cannot be contacted, is disqualified, or fails to timely execute and return any required forms, an alternate winner may be selected from among the remaining eligible entries.
31. Participants are responsible for maintaining updated contact information associated with their Account.
32. The Program is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. or DC.
33. The United States Playing Card Company is a company registered in Delaware in the United States whose principal place of business is 300 Gap Way, Erlanger, KY 41018, United States.
34. Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Program should be directed to USPC at the following email address: [email protected] or address: The United States Playing Card Company, Attn: Hro Snapshot Rewards Program, 300 Gap Way, Erlanger, KY 41018.