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Superman Retrospective Capsule Update
We want to thank everyone who participated yesterday in our first Superman Capsule drop, Superman Retrospective.
Good morning, Hros –
We want to thank everyone who participated yesterday in our first Superman Capsule drop, Superman Retrospective. Unfortunately, we ran into a glitch during our launch, so our plans have shifted a bit. 
What Happened
During the launch yesterday at 3:00pm EDT, the store algorithm malfunctioned and distributed the cards in each rarity tier evenly at 25%, rather than by the odds below:
  • Common Tier: 80.53%
  • Uncommon Tier: 15.79%
  • Superior Tier: 3.16%
  • Epic Tier: 0.53%
As soon as our team got wind of the glitch and verified it to be true, all store activity was halted and the cards were locked.
For the Hros Who Participated Today
Unfortunately, about 250 Hros had already participated in the drop before activity was halted. The Superman Retrospective Capsule is the first of its kind, and we appreciate everyone who continually pioneer with us as we innovate. 
As a token of our appreciation, everyone that participated in yesterday’s Superman Retrospective Capsule event will receive 20,000 Hro Points. We hope that you will enjoy some extra fun on our future Capsules and Crafting Events on us! 
This is, of course, in addition to the below:
👉  Everyone that purchased Superman Retrospective Capsule(s) today will receive a full refund for what was spent on the Capsule drop within 24 hours.
👉  Everyone that crafted and spent Hro Points will be credited the amount of Hro Points used to craft cards during the Capsule event within 24 hours.
👉 A few Hros already traded with Superman Retrospective Capsule cards, so the Hro team will work with you to reverse the trades.
Superman Retrospective Capsule Relaunch Plan
Within the next 24 hours, we will pull back all Superman Retrospective Capsule cards that have been sold, crafted and traded. These cards will be burned and re-minted ahead of a relaunch. 
We will relaunch the Superman Retrospective Capsule on Tuesday, September 5th at 3:00 PM EDT. 
In order to prevent this issue from repeating in the future, the Hro team will thoroughly test the mechanism used to distribute cards in the store. 
And…as always, we will have incredible rewards for those who participate in the relaunch. The snapshot for the Superman Retrospective Capsule will be taken on September 13, 2023 at 1:00 PM EDT.
If you have any issues regarding the Superman Retrospective Capsule drop, please reach out to us at: https://support.hro.gg/hc/en-us/requests/new
Thank you, as always, for collecting with us.
- Your Hro Team